Solar Energy


Responding to Clean Energy and Electrification Challenges

Electrification of rural communities has reached centre-stage for contributing to poverty alleviation, stimulating economic activities in rural areas, fuelling industrial production and transportation as well as expanding rural development, protecting good health whilst promoting sustainability and environmental quality. 

Our Mission

At SAIMS, we see an urgent need to actively participate in the efforts to promote clean energy, and develop solar energy projects to make access to clean energy more sustainable, affordable, whilst addressing the global problems of air quality, health issues and climate change.


  • We identify solar energy opportunities for investors
  • We develop solar energy’s project and select technologies for specific development challenges for various environments
  • We find investors and secure funding for projects
  • We obtain governments permits, licenses, negotiate economic PPA’s, etc.
  • We develop both off-grid and grid-tied projects
  • We work with solar energy start-ups that offer affordable, tailor-made solutions that directly address electrification and economic development challenges on the ground.

Did you know…?

That solar energy decreases greenhouse gas emissions? When you generate electricity with solar power instead of fossil fuels, you are dramatically reducing greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). Greenhouse gases, are produced when fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas, etc) are burned, leading to rising global temperatures and climate change.

Solar Energy Advatages

Health Benefits

Because solar energy is a clean, estimated at ±0.03 of carbon dioxide per kilowatt-hour, this dramatically improves / reduces health issues such as chronic bronchitis, respiratory and cardiovascular problems, among many others.

Environment Benefits

Because solar energy uses photovoltaic to generate power, it directly benefits the environment by not polluting. Solar energy is free of harmful greenhouse gas emissions – leaving only a microscopic carbon footprint.


In Africa the population has reached 1.3 billion (May 2019) of which only 62% is electrified. Countries are struggling to meet the current demand. The prices of solar energy are expected to fall due to the demand and the growing population, which is estimated at 1.71 billion by 2030. The prices are expected to fall by up to 70 %. Go Solar energy and save on clean and emission-free energy.

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