Due to warfare, famine, disease, and injury, men in those days dropped like flies. I remember sitting in church one morning, by myself, and just praying and crying to the Lord because of a situation and all of a sudden I felt an arm go around my shoulder and a hand rest there. Was our girl ready for that leap of faith? Let's look together at the story of The Woman At The Well from John 4:1+ In the book of J... King Ahab was the most evil of the kings of Israel, and his wife Jezebel, the most evil woman mentioned in the Bible. One of my favorite stories in all the New Testament. After being received in her outrage, the woman's heart cracks open. We must let go of one to embrace the other. Self Help. Faith. Women. Christianity. Courage. Resilience. Remember, Jesus sat down here to rest while his disciples left to buy food. Jesus and his disciples came to the town of Sychar, where Jacob's Well was. Salvation is free for the taking. In their world, giving and receiving water was an open invitation. Family Devotionals Free Email. This lady at the well is my most favorite girl-friend. I agree with Christina, not knowing her name makes it easier to insert our own. If he cared for me, why would he allow such bad things to happen. Utter equality. But her conversation with the Lord is his longest one-on-one chat recorded in Scripture. To get to the core of this belief, this latest volume in the Foundations of Evangelical Theology series lays out a systematic summary of Christology from philosophical, biblical, and historical perspectives—concluding that Jesus Christ is ... (1) Jews weren't supposed to speak to Samaritans. In the same way, perhaps you have thought that today would be just a "normal" church day - but God may have something more in mind for you. My sweet mother-in-law wrote to me, pointing me to the story of Ruth and Naomi and Boaz. When he asked her for a drink, she knew what that meant. I am also saddened to read of your personal loss. Every word in the Bible is true!” If it’s in God’s Word, then it must be true, and there to teach us something. This widow, ... Bad, good, faithful, deceptive, nice, evil, there are all types of women represented in the Bible. The kind of life where you “shall never, no never, be thirsty any more” (AMP). The Son of God, the Savior of the world, was limited by his humanness, just as we are. Jesus knew she would come to the well, even as he knew she would hurry back to town with her water jar empty and her heart overflowing with the Good News. The kind with long strings attached. She lives in the Light!! Thank-you for this, I needed to read it. Isn’t it wonderful that God is busily redeeming all those “lost” years and using them for your good and his glory? This page is intended to encourage women through sharing the love of The Lord and His sacrifice for us. "The Well-Watered Woman knows who Jesus is, and who he is changes everything about her past, present, and future." -Gretchen Saffles In The Well-Watered Life Devotional Journal, you're invited to dig deeper into the five sections presented in The Well-Watered Woman Book, Planted, Rooted, Growing, Blooming, and Flourish Not with God. Jesus knew who she was; how she had been living her life; he even knew she was currently living with a man to whom she was . ( John 4:28-29 ). 4 And he had to pass through Samaria." The Samaritans worshiped the same God as the Jews, but had their own . Now he had her attention. I can never seem to share this without crying. We rarely hear about some of them. Join Kim in this broadcast of Woman at the Well Ministries as she discusses the fact that we are comforted in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort another. Woman at the Well. And (3) rabbis had no business speaking to shady ladies such as this one. Going to church, carrying a Bible around, listening to Christian music are all well and good, but they’re not the same as drinking the water. So it was at my kitchen table where I truly met my saviour! So, that put them at odds with the rabbis of Jesus’ time. Misty Wilson Hopewell Ministries. A Woman at a Well. Too good to be true? I wasn’t happy. God is indeed our father and our husband, and Jesus our brother. Meet me at the well. It’s time to get free… and live free! In Woman, Thou Art Healed and Whole, Bishop TD Jakes shares words of encouragement that will heal your soul and liberate your heart. So what is holding you back from living life to the fullest? Maybe you have felt like you have failed so many times in your life that there remains no hope and . HUGS and PraYers. Since that time he has never left me nor forsaken me. Only one who has suffered can say to others who are suffering, “God loves you. He met me when I first went to my brother’s church and saw the Body in action. God has a plan for you. My last post was on Jesus' compassion for the crowd. I heard about God all my life and wanted to serve him, but then I strayed during my high school and college years.

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