Job preparation or induction training in which new employees are acquainted with their surroundings and are given general information about the company and its policies as well as specific information about their jobs (LAP-HR-410), ORIENTATION CHECKLIST: An organized list of activities to be completed during a new employee orientation program; a planning tool used by the person conducting an orientation (MN LAP 44), OTHER ASSETS: Any assets not considered part of current assets or property and equipment; e.g., goodwill (QS LAP 38), OUT-OF-HOME MEDIA: Promotional messages that are delivered to consumers when they are away from home (PR LAP 3), OUTER COVERING: The wrapping material that covers the outside of the customer’s purchase (SE LAP 105), OUTLINE: A general plan giving only the main points to be covered (PR LAP 9), OUTPUTS: The goods and services produced as the result of combining inputs (EC LAP 18, EC LAP 31, OP LAP 17) The arrangement by which businesses and individuals can purchase now and pay later (QS LAP 31, SE LAP 76) People who personally use a good or service to satisfy their own wants (CD LAP 2, PR LAP 1) The belief that providing customers with excellent service should be a business's top priority (CR LAP 4), CUSTOMERS: The people who buy goods and services (CR LAP 4, MK LAP 4, PR LAP 2, SE LAP 76), CYBERLAWS: Regulations that apply to online activities (BA LAP 5), CYBERMALL: An electronic version of a physical shopping mall (PR LAP 16), CYBERSQUATTING: Registering a domain name with the intention of selling it to its legitimate owner for a profit (BA LAP 5), CYCLICAL STOCKS: Stocks whose performance is tied to the overall economy; when the economy expands, these stocks rise quickly, and when the economy contracts, they fall quickly (QS LAP 34, QS LAP 40, QS LAP 42), CYCLICAL UNEMPLOYMENT: Unemployment that rises and falls with ups and downs in the business cycle (EC LAP 82), DAMAGES: Amounts of money awarded by juries to individuals or groups who have suffered loss or injury to themselves, their property, or their rights as a result of the negligence, failure to act, or unlawful act of others (PP LAP 7), DATA: Facts and figures (FI LAP 579, IM LAP 2, IM LAP 12, IM LAP 184, IM LAP 285, NF LAP 110) Principles for distinguishing between right and wrong (LAP-EI-126), MORPHOLOGICAL ANALYSIS: A creative-thinking method to generate ideas by focusing on the details of a situation; involves combining some or all of a product’s attributes in different ways to create new things (PM LAP 127), MOTIVATE: Prompt another person to take some kind of action (LAP-EI-912, HR LAP 20, QS LAP 18, SM LAP 400), MOTIVATING: The process of getting employees to strive to achieve management's objectives because they want to achieve them (SM LAP 66), MOTIVATION: The process of getting employees to strive to achieve management's objectives because they want to achieve them (MN LAP 47, MN LAP 54) Understanding the influence and effect you have on others (EI LAP 137), SELF-CONCEPT: Your image of yourself; the way(s) in which you see yourself (HR LAP 2, HR LAP 12) No hidden fees, multiple loan terms, and member discounts available. A motivator (in sales, for example, a monetary bonus for reaching a certain goal) (SE LAP 895) A data collection method that involves asking consumers questions to learn their opinions and the reasons behind those opinions (LAP-IM-289) The original amount of an investment (QS LAP 45), PRINTED DIRECT MAIL: Sales letters, catalogs, folders, booklets, and postcards delivered through the postal service (PR LAP 3), PRIORITIES (PRIORITY): The order of importance of your activities (HR LAP 4, QS LAP 22), PRIORITIZE: To determine the order for completion of activities based on their importance (PD LAP 1, PD LAP 14, QS LAP 21), PRIORITIZING: Determining the order of completion based on importance (EI LAP 77), PRIVACY POLICIES: Statements indicating how the business attempts to protect the privacy of its web-site visitors (BA LAP 4), PRIVACY POLICY: A statement that discloses how an organization will gather, use, and manage a customer's data (LAP-CR-017, IM LAP 25), PRIVATE BRAND: Brands owned by intermediaries (LAP-PM-021) The message channels used to promote a good, service, or idea (e.g., radio, television, newspapers, magazines, Internet, social media); one of several sport/event fan bases (MK LAP 12, PR LAP 136), MEDIA BUZZ: Attention from a variety of media sources (PR LAP 136), MEDIA CHANNEL: An individual medium used to transmit a message to the public, e.g., radio (PR LAP 8), MEDIA EVENTS: Marketing activities that use the media to spread the company’s message (PD LAP 2), MEDIA PLAN: A written document that summarizes the factors relevant to media selection, i.e., business objectives, target market, competitive activities, advertising budget, nature of the product, and distribution (PR LAP 5), MEDIA RELATED FACTORS: Factors unique to a medium that affect a business and its advertising activities (PR LAP 5), MEDIATION: The process in which a neutral third person works to help opposing parties resolve a conflict (EC LAP 5) The process in which a neutral, third person works to help two opposing parties resolve a conflict (EI LAP 7), MEDIATOR: A person or agency that clarifies issues and makes suggestions concerning contract negotiations (BA LAP 5, EC LAP 5), MEDICAID: Low-income health care coverage in the United States (EC LAP 72, EC LAP 82), MEDICARE: Government-supplied health care for seniors in the United States (EC LAP 72), MEDITATION: Spending time in quiet, calm thought (EI LAP 28), MEDIUM: The message channel used by a seller to promote a good, service, or idea (e.g., radio, television, newspapers, magazines) (PI LAP 1), MEDIUM OF EXCHANGE: Something of value that can be used to obtain goods and services; most common form is money (EC LAP 17), MEMBERSHIP GROUP: A social group to which a person belongs (e.g., school, church, neighborhood, and friendship groups) (MK LAP 14), MEMORABILIA: Souvenirs, mementos, things collected to remember something (MK LAP 12), MENSWEAR RETAILERS OF AMERICA: An organization composed of retailers of men's and boys' clothing and furnishings.

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