M. program at Liberty University. The Minor Prophets are also sometimes called The Twelve. He was from Tekoa, which was located near Bethlehem about ten miles south of Jerusalem. It is generally thought that the book of Micah contains only a summary of his prophecies, prepared perhaps in the days of Hezekiah. Part three of David's lecture series on the Trei Asar, the twelve 'minor' prophets of Israel, examines the texts and themes of: Nachum, Habakkuk, and. Though Haggai is the second shortest book in the Old Testament, we should not underestimate the power of Haggai’s four messages in his role in encouraging the rebuilding of the temple. The messianic emphasis of Zechariah accounts for its frequent citation by New Testament authors.83. And He did not do it. This seems evident since the book of Zephaniah presupposes the existence of pagan idolatry in Judah (1:4-6) which was pretty much eliminated by Joshiah’s reforms. At that same time such a dating would mean that Joel 1:15 and 2:1-11 anticipated the final destruction of Jerusalem (which indeed came in 586 b.c. The last message, which was delivered on the same day, is wholly occupied with the future. 3:2, 6) seem to militate against an early date (in Joash’s reign) for the prophecy (cf. The Greek and Latin title is Sophonias. One outstanding feature of Haggai’s message is his strong awareness that his messages had their origin in God. 28:1-14) and cursing for disobedience and eventually cast from the land of promise (Deut. This verse suggests that nations in the future will be judged for having continued the policies of ancient Babylon in scattering the Israelites and dividing their land. But whatever the fish may have been, his preservation alive in its body for the space of three days, and his subsequent ejection upon the dry land, can be accounted for only by reference to the immediate power of God, with whom nothing is impossible. Obadiah. Also we can find in both Amos (4.9 and 7.1–3) and Joel a description of a plague of locusts. 4. Which book would be described as ' God is faithful when we are unfaithful'? Those who support an early date (ninth century b.c.) They are generally understood to predict the conquests of Alexander the Great (9:1-8), the conflict of the Jews with their enemies in the Maccabean age (9:13-16), the advent of Christ (9:9), the corrupt and rapacious character of the Jewish rulers at that era, their rejection of Christ, and the consequent rejection of the nation by God (chap.11). Some attempt to explain the language of Joel 3:1-2, 17 in light of the events recorded in 2 Chronicles 21:16-17 (Archer, A Survey of Old Testament Introduction, p. 305). II. The storm passes, without pausing in its course, over Syria, Philistia, Tyre, Edom, Ammon, Moab, Judah, till at last it reaches Israel. .” (see 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 13; 2:1, 4, 6). 2:11. In Matt.12:39-41; Luke 11:29-32 the Saviour refers in explicit terms to events recorded in this book as being true history; nor can the historic character of the narrative as a whole be denied except on the ground that all records of the supernatural are unhistoric. By the slanderous representations of the Jews' enemies this work had been interrupted, as we learn from the fourth chapter of Ezra. The people had been reinstated in the land, the temple rebuilt, and its regular services reestablished. 30 seconds . 154-8). Sometimes these salvation messages were “crystal ball” like visions describing a particular event which they had seen in a vision (e.g. As indicated by 1:1, the author is “Joel,” which means “Yahweh is God.” We know nothing else about him other than the name of his father who is Pethuel (1:1). In answer to their questions and their failure to understand God’s judgment, Malachi answers and shows them why. The title in the Septuagint is Aggaios, and in the Vulgate it is Aggaeus. [8] However it is important to note that chronology was not the only consideration, as "It seems that an emphatic focus on Jerusalem and Judah was [also] a main concern. 3), A. He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy” (7:18). Hobart Freeman writes, “The very naming of these particular nations is strong evidence for a pre-exilic date for the book, inasmuch as they were the early pre-exilic enemies of Judah, not the later nations of Assyria, Babylonia, and Persia” (An Introduction to the Old Testament Prophets. This second instalment of David's series on the Trei Asar, the twelve "minor" prophets, explores the lives and books of: Ovadiah (Obadiah), Yonah (Jonah), and; Michah. 24. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him. From chap.1:12, 13 it appears that the Assyrians had already afflicted Judah, and laid their yoke upon her. Though from Judah rather than the Northern Kingdom of Israel, he was given the burden of carrying a message of warning against the greed, injustice, externalism, and self-righteousness of the Northern Kingdom. Within the scope of just five verses the future of Israel becomes clear, as the Abrahamic, Davidic, and Palestinian covenants are focused on their climactic fulfillment in the return of the Messiah.75. ‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former,’ says the LORD of hosts, ‘and in this place I shall give peace,’ declares the LORD of hosts.”. 6 months ago. He does not retain His anger forever, Because He delights in unchanging love. They have divorced God’s standards of justice from their daily dealings in order to cover their unscrupulous practices. “Behold, I am against you,” declares the LORD of hosts; “And I will lift up your skirts over your face, And show to the nations your nakedness And to the kingdoms your disgrace. Concerning the date of Obadiah's prophecy expositors are not agreed. The Book Of The Twelve Minor Prophets: Translated From The Original Hebrew With A Commentary, Critical, Philological, And Exegetical|Ebenezer Henderson, Bee Mumble & Wug|Jodi Aldrich, Elegy For Angels And Dogs/the Graveyard Heart (Tor Science Fiction)|Roger Zelazny, Briefe Aus Indien. (4) The reference to Greek slave trade (Joel 3:6) reflects the postexilic period. 2:4 the prophet is spoken of as a youth (naàar). 790-739 b.c.) It appears that Babylon had not invaded Judah, though it was imminent (see 1:6 and 2:1), which suggests Habakkuk prophesied shortly before Babylon’s invasion in 605 B.C. (2) The “elders” (cf. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Narrative is destroyed, and we see the pieces at the heart of everything. The Twelve Minor Prophets Genre. Nahum’s theme is the fall of Nineveh as the retribution of God against the wicked Assyrians of Nineveh. Nowhere do we find sin rebuked with more awful severity, the true meaning of the law more clearly expounded, or the future glory of Zion more confidently predicted.

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