Robinson also identifies only this latter usage, saying that James defined faith as “mere belief.” Following Christ, 84. Challenge me with Your holiness and comfort me with Your promises, in Jesus' name. As each tree bears seed after its kind, so does every truth of God bring forth practical virtues. Context is one of the best indicators of the author's primary message..... (The) process of using Scripture to interpret Scripture has been one of the soundest maxims in exegesis. - from reference with entire page on "chaff"!) [31] Though many modern New Testament scholars believe Paul did not write Ephesians, their arguments seem flawed by (1) treating Paul’s thought and language as static, failing to consider the possibility of development in his thought over time, and (2) failing to account for Paul’s use of scribes in the process of writing epistles. What is he arguing? From the content of the epistle, it is clear that this “other gospel” (v. 8) was the teaching of Judaizers like the people described in Acts 15 (see Galatians 5:1–8; 6:12–15). Lord, enable us to have the desire and the power (cf Php 2:13NLT+) to more consistently obey You immediately! Because - for the reason that, on account of the fact that; for the cause which is explained in the next proposition. Remember the benefit that as you carry out interrogation of the terms of conclusion and terms of explanation, you are in a very real sense practicing Biblical Meditation, a spiritual discipline which has been largely lost in our modern, fast paced society, which is sad because God promises such wonderful blessings to those who meditate on His Word. Why does a deer pant for the water brooks? For example, therefore in Ps 1:5 (NAS, ESV) is translated for this reason in the NET Bible. ", Kuist goes on to add that observation entails seeing "impartially, intensely and fearlessly. Amen. Too many of us read the Bible like a tourist and then complain that our devotional times are fruitless. Bullinger comments: What bread does in supporting natural life is a representation of what Christ does in supporting and nourishing the new, Divine, spiritual life.... (Jesus is also saying) I am what a door is. You may have asked questions like -- What is the cause of their astonishment? Why were they amazed? Paul explained: “For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written [in Deuteronomy 27:26], Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them” (Galatians 3:10; emphasis added). It is my meditation all the day." But take a step further back, and the passage reads thus: 'So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation, for...."—in other words, 'Depend not on me (Paul), but on God; I cannot do for you (whether present or absent) what He can.' (Ed: cp context and Keep Context King) We don't ferret out the order of thought or ponder the meaning of terms (Ed: How to Perform a Greek Word Study, Greek Word Studies and Hebrew Word Studies). ", In Brothers, we are not professionals Dr Piper comments has more comments on querying the text. Which pieces do you try to identify next? He was also instructed to draw out what he saw (Ed: Compare with Marking the Text, Making Lists, Recording your observations) for as Agassiz reminded him that the pencil is one of the best eyes!

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