This led them to believe that in addition to reproduction there must be other reasons for coming to the sea mounts. Photo: Barry Peters / License Attacks: 34 Fatalities: 1 The hammerhead sharks are actually a family of sharks (Sphyrnidae) which range in size from less than a metre (3ft) to over 6 metres (20ft). The name Sphyrna translates from Greek to the English language “hammer”, referring to the hammer-shaped head of this species. Abundant species on the American littoral, is the only shark species known to display sexual dimorphism in the morphology of the head, and is the only shark species known to be omnivorous. Type of Shark: Ground shark; Wild Great Hammerhead Shark Fact: Great hammerheads spend 90% of their time swimming sideways! They have a vertical schooling hierarchy where the youngest pups swim near the surface while the largest adults swim near the seafloor. 4. They are a reasonably large shark, but still smaller than the great hammerhead. It is one of 43 shark species that can live in both seawater and freshwater. There are three well-documented species of large hammerhead sharks (scalloped, great and smooth hammerheads), and their fins have high value in the international shark fin trade. There are nine species of hammerhead sharks that inhabit all oceans of the world. The planarian contains the potent neurotoxin, tetrodotoxin, which the worm uses to immobilize prey and deter predators The toxin is also found in pufferfish, the blue-ringed octopus, and rough-skinned newts, but was not known to occur in any species of terrestrial invertebrate prior to its discovery in the hammerhead worm. Sharks reproduce internally. CNN —. Smalleye Hammerhead: The Smalleye Hammerhead, also known as the Golden Hammerhead, lives along the Eastern coast of South America. The unique shape of hammerheads is called a ‘cephalofoil,’ and it gives them 360-degree vision and superior depth … This shape helps them swim efficiently. 7. Smooth Hammerhead: The Smooth Hammerhead is the most cold tolerant of all Hammerhead Shark species and will migrate from tropical and subtropical waters into temperate zones. “The areas where rivers now flow were covered with glaciers until 10,000 to 15,000 years ago, and as the glaciers receded the taxa followed them upstream.” In contrast, rivers south of Virginia were not covered with glaciers. If you sight a shark in the water, first of all, stay as calm as possible. Martin, Richard, “Why the Hammerhead?”, Sea Frontiers, May-June 1989, pp. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters in the Western Hemisphere and often hunt in mangroves and estuaries. The great hammerhead shark is the largest of all hammerhead species, reaching a maximum known length of 20 feet (6.1 m) 1 and weight of 991 pounds (450 kg). The state is a well-known pupping ground for several species of sharks. FUN FACT The scientific genus name of most hammerhead sharks is Sphyrna, which comes from the Greek word for hammer. It is believed that the sea mounts serve as navigational centers. The other hammerhead species are the 5" x 7" formal adoption certificate. Two distinct population segments of the scalloped hammerhead shark are listed as endangered and two are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). Out of the nine hammerhead species, most are critically endangered or endangered, and one species is classified as vulnerable. As mentioned, this species of shark has a head that is wide like the head of a hammer and then a long handle as it goes back to the rest of the body. The state is a well-known pupping ground for several species of sharks. Species spotlight card, full of fascinating information about the animal. Main Shark Species Index. SHARK WEEK, television’s longest-running, and most anticipated summer event returns with bigger sharks and bigger bites on Sunday, July 28 and continues through Sunday, August 4. There are eight living species of hammerheads. Another use for the hammer is to enhance maneuverability. Hammerhead sharks are voracious predators and their mallet-shaped heads boost their ability to find that which they like to eat. The Scoophead coexists with two other species of sharks in the Caribbean but they do not tend to compete for resources or territory. As the name indicates they have a flattened head which resembles the head of a hammer. About Hammerhead Sharks. Up to several hundred individuals can move together during the day while they tend to split up at night to feed. Other species of sharks lay their eggs outside. As of July 1, 2016, only the head of a shark may be removed. In many sharks the eggs hatch inside the female, and the pups are born alive. Ever since scientists started to study the hammerhead they have speculated about the use of the hammer. This list must be used with caution because attacks involving easily identified species, such as white, tiger, sandtiger, hammerhead and nurse sharks, nearly always identify the attacking species, while cases involving difficult to identify species, such as requiem sharks of the genus Carcharhinus, seldom correctly identify the attacker. The most important function of the hammer according to scientists is increased electroreceptive area and its sensory perception. They have a relatively wide distribution and are found in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Ocean at deeps of 4921-6000 ft (1500-1829 m). It seems that they spend the night at distant deep water feeding grounds. There are nine species of hammerhead sharks worldwide in the family Sphyyrnidae. The peregrine falcon belongs to a group of birds called the Falconiformes. The hammerhead shark uses its head to pin down stingrays and eats the ray when the ray is weak and in shock.

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