Dar, W. D., and R. R. Bayaca. This suggests that sustainable upland agricultural production systems are necessary to alleviate many problems of human welfare in the uplands and lowlands and ensure more effective forest conservation, but such changes are not sufficient to solve the problem of the conversion of forests to agricultural uses. Strategic research will need to be complemented with in-depth surveys of the methods of indigenous farmers and evaluations by participating farmers from multiple locations in forests representing wide ecologic gradients. Harrington, L. W., M. D. Read, D. P. Garrity, J. Woolley, and R. Tripp. Upland rice cultivation using leguminous tree hedgerows on strongly acid soils. Cook, M. G. 1989. Ph.D. dissertation. This concept offered the possibility of more diversified sources of farm income and improved soil erosion control. & Laquihon, W.A. Sulit, C. 1963. 1980 Census of Agriculture: National Summary. Reliable statistics on forest cover before 1950 do not exist; thus, a discussion of forest cover and its decline must be based on estimates made by contemporary observers. Establishment of fodder bank including leguminous plants and local vegetation for feeding the livestock. Research on upland agroforestry in the Philippines is limited. 1–7 in On-Farm Research Notes, Vol. U.S. Agency for International Development. programs to distribute ruminants (cattle, goats, and sheep) to small-scale upland farmers for cut-and-carry production systems. The distance from Manila was not significantly related to the deforestation rate, but in those areas of the Philippines where logging was banned during the reign of Ferdinand E. Marcos (1965–1986), the logged area determined from the rates of deforestation were actually higher than the rates where logging was allowed (Schade, 1988). The terrain is rugged and steeply sloping with elevation ranging from 1000 meters (above sea level) at the highest ridge to 100 meters at the river bed. Therefore, the estimates presented in Table 5 are meant to be broadly indicative. ernment Price Intervention Policies in Forestry. This trend is stimulated by historically high meat prices. The Master Plan for Forestry Development (Department of Environment and Natural Resources, 1990) places emphasis on contract forestry with private individuals and communities and is supported by a loan from the Asian Development Bank. Rapid population growth in the past half century is widely acknowledged as a major force in the accelerated deterioration in the country 's natural resources (Porter and Ganapin, 1988). Pp. 1990. World Bank Technical Paper No. In the last two decades, various soil and water conservation interventions had been introduced in to different parts of Ethiopia. In addition, the labor needed to manage the hedges, particularly to prune them 3 to 10 times each year, depending on the management system, was found to absorb a large proportion of the household's available labor. Initially, the green revolution (the breakthroughs in rice varietal technology in the late 1960s) increased labor use intensity in rice production (Otsuka et al., 1990). Boulder, Colo.: Westview. Bhatt** and Y.S. Therefore, the establishment of forage grasses has been extended as an alternative to the use of leguminous tree species on contour bunds. Quezon City, Philippines: Ateneo de Manila University Press. 1981. The possibility of successfully using a reduced-tillage system has been reinforced by recent observations on a farmer-evolved system of maize production in Mindanao (D. P. Garrity, International Rice Research Institute, unpublished data). Ph.D. dissertation. Landlords generally prohibit understory cropping to avoid future claims to permanent occupancy. Such studies include Dames and Moore International et al. e Data from 1988 were projected back to 1987. Table 4 notes the relationships among deforestation, increases in population, and increases in the amount of farmland. Therefore, a major reorientation of both the research and extension approach is under way. As the land/labor ratio declined, the rate of increase in the amount of cultivated land slowed and the Philippine government was forced to invest in irrigation. They can also plant and intercrop cash crops, fruit trees, and other agricultural crops to augment their incomes and to provide additional incentive for protecting, replanting, or enriching the plantation forests. By 1988, a total of nine communal leases ranging from 50 to more than 15,000 ha were issued to a variety of groups. Econ. In New Directions in Agroforestry: The Potential of Tropical Legume Trees, N. T. Vergara, ed. a Mixed grass, brush, plantation, and other crops. Application of apatitic phosphate rock for corn and upland rice in a hydric dystrandept. Greater appreciation of the importance of importing these nutrients in upland agroecosystems with acidic soils is needed. Population and Land Utilization. The Philippines has more than 7,100 islands with an aggregate land area of about 30 million hectares (M ha). Guevara (1976) reported that hedgerow intercropping produced crop yield increases of 23 percent. Greenhouses should be placed on a gravel base, 6" to 12" above grade. Talbot, L. M., and M. A. Talbot. Identification of practical and cost-effective tactics will require a systems approach. Rocamora, J. E. 1979. 11:89–106. The IKAP study from Thailand estimates CO2 emission @ 2 tons / hectare. 1985. Farmer Field School Guidance Document Planning For Quality Programs. The high level of exchangeable aluminum in the subsoil inhibits the. Managing soil quality takes a management oriented approach by identifying key issues in soil quality and management options to enhance the sustainability of modern agriculture. Barker, T. C. 1984. The recent initiation of the Committee on Agroforestry at the University of the Philippines, Los Baños, is a step in this direction (R. del Castillo, Agroforestry Program, University of the Philippines, Los Baños, personal communication, 1990). Recognition of these rights has so far been ignored by DENR, but we believe it is a crucial element in the sustainable management of upland resources. For example, the area brought under jhum in 2017 was previously cultivated in 2007. Manila, Philippines: National Economic Development Authority. Over the longer term, there is great potential to adapt the model wherever shifting cultivation is being practiced in the north-east hill zone. G. arborea is harvested and coppiced in up to three 10-year cycles. Therefore, the national government must make provisions for local governments to receive alternative sources of income. 6) The Philippine uplands, with slopes of 18% and. The major cause of the decline of primary forests has been logging (World Bank, 1989a). The upland population was estimated by Cruz and Zosa-Feranil (1988) to have reached about 17.8 million by 1988. Two additional mechanisms that can be implemented are the allocation of authority for local governments to levy modest taxes on individual leaseholds and to undertake contractual forestry activities on the public lands in their jurisdiction. . 1977. 1989. FARMI Newsletter. Los Baños, Philippines: Center for Policy and Development Studies. They reduce the time. FIGURE 6 Evolution of a more integrated approach to sustainable land use in sloping uplands. The FFS groups would monitor and assess the positive and negative effects and take corrective action for implementation during the next year. Medium to Long Term Impacts: Assuming that there are no changes in the legal framework for land ownership of indigenous tribes of the north-eastern states of India, we can estimate a total of 50000 hectares (500 sq.km) of jhum areas in Tamenglong district of Manipur and neighboring districts of Nagaland to be brought under forest canopy by the year 2080. This issue is discussed more thoroughly in the section on future scenarios. The largest timber volume comes from red lauan. Land degradation is a major concern in Ethiopia since it leads to declining agricultural productivity, poverty and food insecurity. Land reform in the Philippines since the Marcos coup. It must recognize the boundaries of the lands held by the indigenous occupants and move to recognize their full ownership rights. 1920. Hence, the total carbon stock for the 6000 hectares would be 1200000 t. The reduction in area under jhum is estimated at 6000 hectares over the 10 year jhum cycle. 1991. This system is less labor intensive, requires low external inputs, provides food for the family, marketable produce for income generation and is a sustainable and climate friendly form of settled agriculture.

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