Born in La Crosse, Wisconsin, USA on Feb 1880 to Seneca George Covey and Louisa Elizabeth Harmon. Irish, German settlers also made up Seneca's cultural mix. T. Giles, Sec'y.COAGRESSIONAL CONVENTION.In accordance with the notice of theseveral corresponding committees, theDemocrats of the sixth Congressional District, assembled at Tiffin, on Fiiday, theai.t of Julv. Finding Aid Prepared by Gwynedd Cannan. There is a chance then, furanother battle.The battle grounds of the 8th and 9thwere covered with water, so as to makelittle lakes. James B. HcKibben. given name surname. its favor, a an ioval-,liable remedy in .cases of Fever and Ague .and .Bilipns , Diseases, generally. )The following named delegates were appointed said committee:Hancock M. C. Whitely, J. Graham;Wood John Pales, W. V. Way;minwaW. Get yours today! Washington County.—Ephraim CUTLER, Benjamin Ives GILLMAN, John McINTIRE and Rufus PUTNAM, Thomas SCOTT, secretary of the convention. Bebb's answer to the first enquirywas in substance as follows 1 'The gentlemen enquires how labor is. Jrl Dewel Boggs -----Seneca George Smith McKenzie ----- Mullins SCHOOL OF TEXTILES MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE Textile Chemistry Mohammed Hafiz-ul Islam __ Raishahi, East Pakistan . "People are frugal in guarding their personal property; but as soon as it comes to squandering tim ethey are most wasteful of the one thing in which it is right to be stingy.". In Guyasuta and the Fall of Indian America, historian Brady J. Crytzer traces how American Indians were affected by the wars leading to American Independence through the life of one of the period's most influential figures. Seneca Quotes. Hazlett, (Piegan.) adjourned to reassemble at 1 u'clock, 'The convention; having again assembhd, the committee to apportion the representation of (ha several counties, reported the following, which was adopted:delegates..'-ti" ; "titaiority of allthe votes given be necessary to constitutea nomination.Oin motion,The convention proceeded to ballot fora candidate for Congress, and the followsing wa the result of the balloting:First BallotRodolpus Dickinson 47Moses McAnelly 30Joseph McCutc'ien , 29John Bates 11 -Scattering ( 1Second fialldt.Rodolphtis Dickiuson 54Mosee McAnelly 41 ..Joseph McCulchen 32Third Ballot.Moses McAnelly 33Kedolphqs Dickinson 51Joseph McCulchen 35Fourth Ballot.Joseph McCutchon 35Rodolphiis Dickinson 55Moses McAnelly 37Fifth Ballot.Rodolphtis Dickinson 51Moses McAnelly 37Joseph McCutchen 38Blank ISixth Ballot.Moses McAnelly 37Joseph .McCulchen 37Rodolphiis Dickinson 06Seventh Ballot.Joseph McCutchen 37Rodolphtis Dickinson 57Moses McAnelly 33Eigth Ballot.Rodolphtis Dickinson G9Moses McAnelly 6Joseph McCulchen 33Rodolphiis Dickinson, having on thee:glith ballot, received a majority of allthe votes given was declared duly uomi-nateJ.Oo motion,Mr. ., ;,'The Odd fellows' Magszine, will conlain a great variety of interesting and uses'ful maier, such as moral tales, poetry, assays, &o.; ana; it will endesvor 10 aissemifnate (he true pnnciples of Odd f.euowsuipwi(h energy and zeal; no pains orexpensawill beapared to make it, worthy of thepatronage, not only of the members of theOrder, but of the reading public generally.Contributions have already been securedfrom maoy of the ablest pens in tbe country, and numerous others have given usleave to hope that our pages will be embellished and adorned, with (ha productions of (heir gifted minds., 1 he conducttor will endeavor to make it all its mostsanguine friends could possibly deairOr, 1,The Ladies will ever, we trust, una na welcome companion in the parlour orboudoir. N & B Pork Inc of Seneca. . retention of landownership by the Seneca. George Washington Tubbs 1809 - 1896. SANDUSKY, O., ZIMMERMAN & McCOY,,c . ,The undersigned proposes lo publishhereafter in the city of Philadelphia, anew literary and miscellaneous periodicalunder the above title, lo be devoted to Ihesuhlimq .ind hallowed principles of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. In this sequel to The White Seneca, Henry Cochrane, now eighteen, is entrusted with a message from the settlers of the Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania, to the Continental Army. 51 thoughtful meditations designed to keep you on top and find your inner peace. A political life of Washington -- Classical republican political culture and philosophy -- British liberalism, revolution, union, and foreign affairs -- Protestant Christianity, providence, and the republic. ....Crawford 24Hancock; 1$Ottawa 5Sandusky 20Seneca 86Wood i, 11Wyandot 12, Oo motion,It was resolved that a n. News from the Ohio Volunteers. Give the working classes an honest government, freedom from monopolies, and privileged classes, hard money, aot paper currency, for their labor, and all will be well. 1910 United States Federal Census. G. W. Anlgar w. mate Lilt f . University Of Illinois of Urbana. Crawford F. Adams, S. Mert;Wyandot : McKeily , C R . 4l-3m.CABINET SHOP.. 1 ' . Studio portrait of thirteen male and five female students, the second graduating class in 1890. Maccinati Pasquale (Carrie), emp city, h 220 Washington MacDaniels Laurence H. (Frances C.), prof C U, h 422 Chestnut MacDonald Fred (Mary L.), foreman Underwood Typewriter Co, r 502 W Seneca" John W. (Mary B. The file contains a student information card indicating that Washington went on three outings while at Carlisle. On theReserve, he is a first-rale abolitionist, andopposed to the war a full blooded federalparly man; in the centre of the state, amoderate whig, and thinks the tax lawshould be amended; and in the southernpart of the state he is, we suppose, to bepushed on the people as a kind of half way twithout distinction of party' man. Said petition willbe heard at the next lerm of said court.SCOTT & SE VMS, Atlys for t el.Aug. Wilson had 9 siblings: Frederick Aldophus Tschiffely , Kate S. Stone (born Tschiffely) and 7 other siblings . Mr Bebbis known here as a maligant partizen, anda bitter reviller of the democrats; and theno party can avail him nothing. Joseph Ugolini of Seneca. I have made use o.f tir.. Osgood'sIndia Oholagpgue, and have had opporta-nities of witnessing its salutary effecta.when used' by.others., I believe it a most.,valuable med icine for the cure of Fever,and Ague; aod also, that its proper use'will prove a moi certain, preventive againstits recurrence, lo which persous who havebeen afflicted with it are liable.' 200 King Street East Toronto, Ontario M5A 3W8 416-415-5000 Ext. 2407. The book endeavors to shed light on the unique features that have enabled this organization to remain active across three different centuries--the 19th, 20th, and 21st--and continue to thrive today.

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